Vital Statistics


Up Mary Brenner Cemetery Records Daniel's Will Elizabeth Decker Daniel Daniel's Occupations Daniel Lauck Mary Frielinghaus Marriage Listing Rumpf Brewery Third Brewery Traudt Brewery Vital Statistics


Vital Statistics Photo Copied

Daniel Frielinghaus

Marriage Listing (Elizabeth Decker)
Marriage Listing (Anna Marie Brenner)
Declaration of Intention
Index of Declarations of Intention

Federal Census: 1860, 1870

New Jersey Business Census: 1860

Death Listing
Cemetery records

Newark City Directory (Home): 1855/56, 1856/57, 1857/58, 1858/59, 1859/60, 1860/61, 1862, 1867/68, 1868/69, 1869/70

Newark City Directory (Business): 1860, 1860/61, 1862, 1863/64, 1864/65, 1867/68, 1868/69, 1869/70

Elizabeth (Decker) Frielinghaus

Newark City Directory (Home): 1851/52

Census: 1860

Death Listing

Mary (adopted) Frielinghaus

Census: 1860

August Daniel Frielinghaus

Birth Listing

Census: 1870

Mary (Brenner, Theurer) Frielinghaus

First Marriage Listing (Jacob Theurer)
Death Listing
Cemetery Records

Jacob Theurer

Death Listing

Newark City Directory: 1863/64

Frederich A. Lehlbach

Death Listing

Newark City Directory (home): 1857/58, 1869/70, 1874/75

Newark City Directory (church): 1854/55, 1869/70, 1870/71, 1874/75, 1875/76

First German Reformed Dutch, German Evangelical Protestant, Lutheran Church

Newark City Directory: 1854/55, 1869/70, 1870/71, 1874/75, 1875/76, 1876/77, 1877/78, 1883/84

Letter from Russell Gasero, Archivist, Reformed Church in America

Frederick Rumpf

Newark City Directory (home): 1860, 1860/61, 1862, 1863/64,

Newark City Directory (business): 1859/60, 1860, 1860/61, 1862, 1863/64, 1864/65, 1865/66

Frederick A. Traudt

Newark City Directory (home): 1870/71

Newark City Directory (business): 1869/70, 1870/71

Daniel Lauck

Newark City Directory: 1861/62, 1862/63, 1865/66, 1868/69, 1878/79, 1891/92, 1892/92


Map of Ward IV Newark (Overview)
Map of Ward IV Newark (Close-up)
Germans to America Robert Frielinghaus 8/17/1854
Germans to America E. Frielinghaus 3/16/1863
Germans to America Franz-Heinz Frielinghaus 10/13/1857
Immigration List Hinrich Frielinghaus 1856

Vital Statistics Hand Copied

Daniel Frielinghaus


Newark Business Directory: 1860

Orange Township Directory: 1872, 1873

Maria Frielinghaus

Orange Township Directory: 1874



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