Daniel's Will


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The Will of Daniel Frielinghaus

        The will is number 17864G in Essex County, New Jersey. It was filed and proved on September 6, 1873. It was recorded in Book S. of Wills for Essex County, on page 271 by Geo. D. G. Morre, Surrogate.

In the name of God Amen.

        I, Daniel Frielinghaus, of Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, considering the uncertainty of this life and being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make, declare and publish this my last Will and Testament, that is to say:

        First, after all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid and discharged, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Frielinghaus, or her lawful heirs, in addition to her right of dower at Common Law the sum of Five Thousand dollars and also the sum of twenty five hundred dollars, the amount of my Policy No. 32997 in the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York, or what may be realized there from or due there on for her private use forever.

        Second, I give and bequeath to my son August Daniel Frielinghaus, the sum of Eight Thousand dollars and also the sum of twenty five hundred dollars, the amount of my Policy No. 19347 in the New York Life Insurance Company of New York, to be paid to him by me Executor here in after named, as soon as he comes of lawful age, or as my Executor may think best for his private use forever.

        Third, The rest and residue of my property Real and personal of every description, I give and bequeath to my said wife, my adopted daughter, Mary Frielinghaus, and my son August Daniel Frielinghaus to be divided between them or their heirs equally and paid by my Executor to my son and daughter as soon as they become of lawful age.

        Fourth, I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Daniel Lauck of Newark to be the Executor of this my last Will and Testament and Guardian to my Children during their minority, hereby giving and granting to my said Executor Power and authority to sale and convey any or all of my property Real and Personal for such price or prices as he shall deem best, and execute proper Deeds therefore.

        In ....... ........ I have to this my last Will and Testament subscribed my name and set my seal this 23rd day of May Eighteen hundred and Seventy two.

signed Daniel Frielinghaus

        Signed, sealed, declared and published by the said Daniel Frielinghaus, as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and I presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses here to.

        The words or her lawful heirs on first page, and the words: or their heirs on second page were underlined before Execution.

signed F. W. Ricord
signed Chr: Wackenhuth.


Frederick W. Ricord (Ricard)
Christoph Wackenhuth

September 5, 1873
Geo. D. G. Moore Surrogate


Daniel Lauck
September 6, 1873
Geo. D. G. Moore Surrogate


The Inventory No. 17864G of Daniel Frielinghaus Dec’d.
Filed and Proved June 25, 1874
Recorded in Book V of Inventories, Page 149 (check mark)
Geo. D. G. Moore Surrogate

        A true and perfect Inventory and Appraisement of the Person Property of Daniel Frielinghaus late of the County of Essex, deceased, made by Daniel Lauck, Executor and Frederick A. Traudt and Thomas O. Dowd Two disinterested freeholders.

Bedstead & Bedding 9
Table 1
Stove 1
Wardrobe 3
Bureau 3
6 Chairs 3
Stand 1
Bedstead & Bedding 9
Stand 0.50
Lot Matting 3
Table 0.50
6 _etures 3
6 Chairs, Sofa Bottom 12
Looking Glass 3
Sofa 10
Table 5
Stove 2.50
Clock 0.50
Table 0.50

2 Platform Wagons Ford 225

3 Spring Wagons 150
Sleigh 10
3 Horses 150
2 Mules 250
2 sets Double Warmers 50
2 sets Single Warmers 29.50
Hay Cutting Machine 3
200 Whole Barrels 500
26 Half Barrels 50
3 Hogsheads 12
4 1/2 Bales Hops 250
Platform Scale 10
Fermenting Tub with Temperator 50
120 Bags 12
40 Barrels Ale 100
Monies outstanding 750


Daniel Lauck
Thomas Dowd
Frederick A Traudt

        Essex County fr: Daniel Lauck the above named Executor on his oath says that he has set off from the foregoing inventory all the furniture named therein appraised at Seventy 50/100 Dollars. 2 Sets Single Harness appraised at Seventy Nine 50/100 Dollars and 40 barrels of Ale appraised at One Hundred Dollars making in all Two Hundred Dollars for the use of the family of the deceased.

signed by D. Lauck Ex.

Sworn before Geo. D. G. Moore Surrogate on June 25, 1874

Signers of the Will & Inventory of Daniel Frielinghaus

F. W. Ricord--Business partner of Daniel Lauck
Christoph Wackenhuth--unknown
Daniel Lauck--Business partner of F. W. Ricord, Executor of the will, and Guardian to the minor
Geo. D. G. Moore--Surrogate
Frederick A. Traudt---Former business partner of Daniel Frielinghaus (Traudt & Frielinghaus
Brewing Co.)
Thomas O. Dowd--Unknown



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