

Up Frielinghaus Geisheimer Graessle Nichols Ancestral Surnames


Lautet Ihr Nachname Frielinghaus?

Frielinghaus Families

Family #1
Possibly emigrated from Westphalia


        The majority of the Frielinghaus research is being done by myself along with help from my mother, Ethel Frielinghaus Geisheimer, her cousin Arthur Frielinghaus.  We live in New Jersey, United States.  Research is being done in other countries as well:

Hans-Helmut Frielinghaus - Germany - Frielinghaus Web Site
Nils Frielinghaus - Gemany
Derek Frielinghaus - South Africa


        The surname Frielinghaus means "free peasant or free farmer". I have obtained, from the Family History Center, over 400 records of Frielinghaus' in Germany. The majority of them come from Westfalen, with a few from Rheinland. Vorde, Hattingen, Brechten, Sonnborn and Schwelm are the towns most often mentioned. Other towns that had Frielinghaus families in them were, Dortmund, Brommern, and Witten. The prevailing religion was Evangelisch, with a few being Catholic. I have yet to make a connection between the Frielinghaus' in America and the ones in Germany.

Current Frielinghaus' found on the Internet
and the web pages they are on.

Ancestral Frielinghaus' found in printed material & the Internet
that haven't been placed yet.

Possible variant spellings of Frielinghaus found and their records.

The “complete” story of Daniel Frielinghaus.

Frielinghaus Mysteries



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